Energy Cords and Foreign Energy in your Aura
There was a question on the Duality forum, asking to clarify what people mean by “energy cords” and “foreign energy in your aura”
Here’s my understanding of energy cords and foreign energy in the aura.
It’s Simply a Representation
Like with all concepts in energy, nothing is cut and dry, and everything is interrelated.
The energy world is not made of matter, energy is not any material that you can “see” or “feel” with our senses. It lacks color, texture, smell, or sound. However, humans are very visual. Abstract concepts have long been explained in the form of symbols and stories.
It’s hard (if not impossible) to grasp abstract concepts directly, so encapsulations like “energy cords” and “energy in the aura” help you visualize the underlying concept, and subsequently “feel” what is underneath.
Don’t get me wrong, the visualizations are very real, to you. It’s how YOU experience these concepts. But it’s along the lines of God appearing as a burning bush or even a voice in the sky. He’s not a burning bush, nor does he emit sound, but he can be represented as such, to help the mind grasp the concept of him.
I actually believe that everything we experience in the physical world is simply our mind building a mechanism to represent what’s going on in the energy world. Similarly to how there is data in the computer hard drive, which is simply electrons. But the computer represents that data as text on the screen. The text on the screen seems “real” to us, but it’s simply a representation of the underlying electrons. In the same way, the entire physical world is not “real”, simply our representation of it in terms of “senses” like vision and touch.
Energy Cords
So, moving on to the concept behind energy cords and foreign energy. When I imagine energy cords, I see actual cords between myself and another person. These cords represent the (usually) toxic elements of a connection I have with someone. When thinking of them or interacting with these people through these cords, negative/unpleasant thoughts are triggered in me. For example, when I think of my ex, I may be triggered feelings of loneliness or regret through these cords. And more powerfully, if there was someone in my life who constantly was negative, reinforced feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, I would be “fed” this information through the cords. While in small quantities these emotions are useful, for introspection, and self examination, a continued “connection” through these energy cords is harmful. At some point you need to “cut off” these cords, stop intaking the ideas, energy, and emotions from the other person. You can visualize this why actually “pulling out” the cords from both sides. It tells your mind to sever the connection and inputs from that source, and to start deprioritizing all the information perceived from that source.
Foreign Energy in Your Aura
As for foreign energy in your aura, first we must understand the relationship between the conscious and unconscious. Everything we are, everything we believe, is taken from the “outside world” (that which you do not label as “you”). At some point we see a certain way of being (acting in anger, acting in love, responding to a stimuli a certain way), and we either consciously or unconsciously adopt it as part of ourselves. That energy becomes a part of us because we identify it as such. So really all your energy is “foreign”, and all your energy is “yours” at the same time, depending on how you look at it (duality!).
The difference is free will. Are you consciously or unconsciously identifying that energy as you? If you consciously believe that you should act in love, yet you are angry at your spouse in response to a situation, that’s a conflict between your conscious energy and your unconsciously acquired energy. When there is a dissonance like this, you can take steps to “deprioritize” that unconscious energy. If it helps you visualize it, you are “removing” that energy from your aura, from what you define as “you”.
How They’re Related
The connection between energy cords and foreign energy in our aura, is that these energy cords are what dictate the unconscious energy flow. When you surround yourself or even think of people exhibiting negative thoughts, they “transfer” to you via the cords. They awaken a part of you which comes into the foreground of your way of being, your “aura”. And when people see “foreign energy”, they’re really just seeing the dissonance between your conscious and unconscious visualized.
You can also filter the energy that comes through those cords. You can accept the positive, while consciously rejecting the negative. To do this, you can practice meditation, that is detachment from your thoughts and consciously labelling information as “true” or “story”. Information which you’d like to keep, and information which you mark as irrelevant. If you scroll down to the “Our Brain — A storytelling machine” section of this article I wrote, I give tips on how to label information during meditation.
I hope this helps and I’m excited to hear your thoughts and experiences with this.