My spirit guide
Hi tribe! I was listening to Part 2 yesterday (hehe I’m behind). And during the Library meditation I somehow floated off into this cosmos where I encountered an enormous jelllyfish. I googled it and this image is strikingly similar to what I saw. And the jellyfish touched me on the forehead with one of its tentacles and told me it’s my spirit guide. Now why a jellyfish, I don’t know. I was always a dog person, assumed it would be a dog. But I felt sooooo happy to have found my jellyfish. I just laughed and said “jellyfish!”
I didn’t really have anything specific to ask it. My mind was surprisingly empty (which is really uncommon, I’m also a super analytical programmer). But I guess I asked “what’s my ex’s spirit animal?” We’re not talking at the moment (taking a break from each other after our breakup). But I was interested to feel her energy. And I saw a cute little dolphin. It seemed so enegetic and was just twirling around and around. I tried to ground her but she wasn’t really up for that. So instead my jellyfish followed her and we just zoomed around the universe very quickly! I can’t describe exactly what I saw but I remember getting the gist “wow there’s no much beauty and play in the universe”
The main thing during this visualization, I tried not to question or apply logic or push on anything that was happening. I just went with it and had an amazing time playing with my dolphin!
And at the end I got the answer to the question that was lingering at the back of my mind — what should a new relationship with my ex look like? What we were doing before clearly wasn’t working. But we both love each other and are fascinated by each other. We just fell into codependent habits, lost individuality, and stopped having fun. And the message I got was to return to what made us fall in love in the first days — just being all silly and taking pictures of ourselves jumping into a pool with our clothes on and dancing underwater. Telling each other amazing stories.
I don’t think my ex is meant to be my girlfriend in the traditional sense. It is probably not in the cards for us to shack up together and have a standard “honey I’m home” type of relationship. Definitely not in the near future. Asya is an integral part of me, my mirror. We reflect the amazing, adventurous silly spirits in each other. But to retain that amazingness, we need space. Our time to be together as one, with each other, with everything, will come. But we still have so much of the world to experience before that.
What comes to mind is a vision I had during a psychadelic trip many years back. I saw my companion. That’s really the best way to describe her. We would have amazing adventures on our own, experience all the world has to offer, see beauty, and then come together to play and share everything we have learned on our own. And when we’ve had our fun we would return to our solo adventures. Always learning, growing, and meeting new people.
My wonderful adventure with the jellyfish and dolphin reaffirmed that vision. And I’m eagerly awaiting all the “physical” world and energy world adventures we’ll experience, together and apart.