Anatoliy Zaslavskiy
3 min readFeb 4, 2022

Two Lovers

I think we very much are in each others’ lives to make each others’ dreams come true. To surprise each other. Play with each other. More than creating companies or succeeding or earning money or any of those details, *that* is really what we are here to do. It’s the only thing we’re here to do, the way I see it.

Yesterday, I was talking to my mentor, Jeff (Asya introduced us). I was describing my view of the universe, noticing that I hear this view being echoed more and more these days, even in popular culture.

There is one key commandment in Judaism — that there is only One God. But what does that really mean?

I think that in the day to day, there’s only two entities — you and God. And all of life is just those two lovers playing, trying to create the most divine experience for each other, please each other, worship each other, surrender to being worshipped, bring infinite ecstasy to each other.

Everything that exists, everything we perceive, from people to things to environment, is made for and of those lovers, to create that experience, to communicate how deeply they feel for each other. All that apparent separation — mind, body, soul, time, space, is in service on bringing the most ecstatic experience to your lover, showing them how much they mean to you, how endlessly deep your love is for them.

Sometimes the lovers quarrel, sometimes the lovers are in harmony. Sometimes they even try to run from each other. Hide. Disconnect. All to build up that tension.

Until they remember, no, EXPERIENCE the truth again — of just how deeply they love each other. That all of this, all the pain, all the struggle, is yet another attempt to communicate that love in an even deeper way. The urgency. The anticipation. The racing thoughts. The emotional roller coaster. These lovers are just 7 billion years young, still learning each others’ inconceivably intricate bodies and minds. Billions of billions of stars that we haven’t even discovered. And we haven’t even explored our Earth. We haven’t even explored our partners. We haven’t even explored ourselves.

I hope that communicates just how early on these lovers are in their romance. The truly mind blowingingly unimaginable possibilities in store.

We are at the very beginning (.0000000……1%) of truly experiencing what we have created for one another, in this near infinite illusion of time and space.

I told Jeff, this is how I want to treat everyone and everything, from my friends to my family, to the trees, even the trash lying on the street — as my lover. Never forgetting the fact that everything I perceive is just the body of my lover. Sometimes the energy will *seem* different from time to time from apparent entity to entity. A romantic love, a sexual love, a brotherly love, a fatherly love, a divine love. But really it’s all just flavors of the same. As I grow I will see much less separation between how and *why* I love something. Which will enable me to give each part just the perfect mix of flavors it needs at that moment. Just like I touch parts of a body in different ways at different times, I want to touch all the parts of the universe in the way they want to be touched in that moment. I’ll make mistakes. But only to learn those desires more and more intricately. Until that magical infinite moment where all separation of time, space, body, mind, and soul, complete dissolve, and there really is just the One, experiencing all of itself all at once.

Anatoliy Zaslavskiy
Anatoliy Zaslavskiy

Written by Anatoliy Zaslavskiy

Let me into your world, and allow me to experience your magic.

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